
Podcast Frequently Asked Questions

What is ElevateTALKS? 

We visit with banks all across the nation and it is clear that time is one of the most valuable resources professionals have and manage each day. Attention is the new currency; where and how we spend our 24 hours each day is critical to personal and professional success. Bankers, especially bank executives, often don’t have an hour to sit down and watch a webinar with a speaker and a powerpoint. From these discussions, Elevate has evaluated how we can intersect education and connections within a short period of time. To that end, Elevate is excited to announce that we have launched the ElevateTALKS podcast. ElevateTALKS is the best opportunity for bankers to stay informed and elevate their day.

What type of guest is ElevateTalks looking for? 

Bank Executives Speakers Authors
Banking Industry Experts

Bankers Doing Something Interesting or Innovative

Successful Leaders Fintech Professionals Innovators
Trade Associations Motivators Anyone Interesting!

What kind of topics are ElevateTALKS for?  Here is just a sample of the topics

Leadership Technology Compliance & Risk
Balance Sheet Management Interesting or Innovative Branch Transformation
Credit & Lending Marketing & Branding Social Media
Human Resources Compensation Blockchain
Fintech Finance & Accounting Success Stories
Cyber Security Mergers & Acquisitions Succession Planning
Mentorship Sales & Growth Economics

How many banking industry podcasts are there? 

Honestly, not that many! There are several on Fintech, managing your money, investing, and some of the larger trade association do an episode now and then but nothing on a consistent basis. There is a good one good one on credit and lending but they don’t cover the breathe of topics and the leadership focus that ElevateTALKS does. This is why we are so excited about the space that Elevate is working in with ElevateTALKS. Tell you friends t subscribe today!

What type of podcast format is ElevateTALKS?  

ElevateTALKS is an interview and instructional style podcast that will typically include a host. There is no video for this podcast (audio only) and it will not be broadcast live. It will be cleaned up and edited in post-production by Elevate before releasing the episode.

How will the podcast be recorded?   

If you are not recording an in-person episode then Zencastr will be used to conduct the interview and record the podcast. This platform uses Voice over IP technology and will produce the highest quality possible recording for a remote interview.  This platform requires no additional software, logins, and will record the interview on both of our computers.  The recorded files will be uploaded to our Google Drive once the interview is complete without any additional work by you.  


What type of equipment do I have to have to do the interview?

We suggest a good microphone and solid internet connection. During the initial episode meeting with Elevate we can test both and if you do not have a microphone that will produce the best quality sound Elevate will ship a mic and headset to you prior to recording with return shipping included. A hardline internet connection is recommended but not required if your wifi connection is strong enough. Episodes should be done in a private quiet space.

Ok I want to be a guest on ElevateTALKS, now what? 

If you are ready to be a guest simply click here to schedule your Pre-Talk. The Pre-Talk will be a brief call to discuss logistics, format, any questions you have, ideally test your internet speed and microphone, and set a date for the podcast recording.

We will then send you a confirmation for our recording date which will include an outline of the flow of the podcast (not a script), the link to the Zencastr interview page, some additional details on the recording (including the episode title and description), and request from you any documents, links, bio, white papers, or “value adds” that you can provide so we can include it on the episode show notes for people to do a deeper dive and find out more information about you.

We feel that if you can provide a top 10 list, a checklist, a white paper, something that the audience can get after they listen to the episode it will make the content more valuable AND create more engagement for Elevate and yourself with the audience which is so valuable. 

How will the interview go? 

On the day of recording, you will follow the link to the Zencastr interview page and when you and the host are ready and sound levels have been checked the recording will start. Normally unless you have the ability to record your side of the interview as well (which is ideal and can be discussed in the pre-call) the recording will be done by Elevate. 

Think of this as just having a phone conversation with someone. This is a free flowing dialogue and any blunders or errors can easily be edited out in post-production. Again, this is not live. Have fun with it, be yourself, laugh, smile, and have good energy. If there is an error take a pause and start over – this will allow for a cleaner edit and transition. 


Where can I listen to the podcast? 

ElevateTALKS is available in iTunes, GooglePlay, and many other poplar podcast forums. There will be an episode page on www.ElevateTALKSPodcast.com as well which will include the episode notes page and links to you and your resources from the episode. Elevate is also working on getting the podcast into Alexa so you can listen on any smart home device.

How is the podcast marketed by Elevate?  

Trying to get the biggest audience and number of subscribers possible is a critical goal of Elevate and to that effort Elevate will being doing the following for each and every episode:

  • Email marketing to thousands on contacts both in and out of the banking industry. This include bank execs and staff, industry experts and influencers, trade associations, speakers, authors, educators, etc. 
  • Multiple social media posts on many social media platforms including:
    • LinkedIn (over 8,000 connections)
    • Twitter
    • Facebook
    • Instagram 
  • elevatebankers.com website links
  • elevatetalkspodcast.com website
  • Prior episode of ElevateTALKS we will plug the upcoming episode
  • Elevate will provide sample posts and messages for you to tell your customers and network about your upcoming podcast interview


What happens after the episode/interview is recorded?

After the recording Elevate will edit and put together the episode. This includes adding in the musical intro, cleaning up any noise in the audio or errors during the interview, and adding on the closing exit music and information of the podcast. Once the episode is edited and the completed file is created it will be uploaded to all of the various podcast forums and will be released to the public on the agreed upon episode release date. 

A few weeks after the episode is released Elevate will send you an email with various analytics, emails, questions, and contacts that were received from the episode.


    For more information and tips on how to be a good podcast guest

    here are some resources we found helpful:

    How to Be a Great Podcast Guest

    7 Ways to be a Good Podcast Guest